Monday, January 6, 2014

my mind wanders while i try to read formal poetry

During my reading of Wordsworth's "I Wandered lonely as a Cloud" I noticed that there were several instances which I was perplexed by his  word choices. For example he used "never-ending" rather than limitless, ceaseless or everlasting (which wouldn't have interrupted the meter. In my opinion the image those other options would've brought a similar image and would've served as suitable alternative. After thinking as to why he might've wanted chosen this choice of words in this and other instances, i came to the conclusion that Wordsworth might've chosen that particular simply for they way they made the lyric sound out loud. i was wondering idly about this theory when i googled cellar door because it is a good example of a word that sounds beautify but has a very prosaic meaning. I came upon this website I found this theory which was very interesting, “Poetry, in fact, is two quite distinct things,” H. L. Mencken wrote in a 1920 magazine column. “It may be either or both. One is a series of words that are intrinsically musical, in clang-tint and rhythm, as the single word cellar-door is musical. The other is a series of ideas, false in themselves, that offer a means of emotional and imaginative escape from the harsh realities of everyday.” Accomplishing both of these themes is something that i think wordsworth accomplishes well.

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