Friday, January 24, 2014

my sonnet

I have always appreciated the sonnet. in my AP literature class in High School it was the very first poem i was required to write. Honestly its the only type of formal poem I still enjoy. There is a challenge in making an interesting point in only 14 lines. Since then after studying several classical authors like John Donne and Shakespeare I have come a long way in sonnet writing. Here is one of mine:

Ode to my cigarettes

Cigarettes have become my secret love.
Since I can go outside and take a puff,
Day after day I thank the stars above.
When I’m getting stressed I can’t get enough.
After all, I’m troubled and have a lot of work.
Please do not lecture me or bring me down
Regardless, after my cig ill have a smirk.
So about my little habit that’s gotten around town;
I’m young and don’t have cancer yet
Maybe I’ll soon quit in a year or two
But now I wouldn’t stop smoking to win a bet.
And please; I’d take cigs instead of you,
So please leave me alone, I won’t go broke,

And really, there are worse things I could smoke.

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